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Hello! My name is Dr. Tan, and I specialize in Competitive Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I’ve always been into playing video games since I was a kid, and I developed my competitive mentality starting from my childhood games. Super Smash Bros has always been my favorite video game, so I was excited to hear about a club for it at Kansas State University in my freshman year. Ever since my first night at KSU Smash Club, I’ve been driven to be one of the best players in the state of Kansas.

I currently main Sephiroth as he’s been my strongest character ever, and I intend on becoming PR’d in KCK/KCMO (once offline tournaments return that is). To help me and others becoming stronger competition, I’ve been hosting offline practice sessions and small tournaments to help gauge people’s strengths and weaknesses. Once tournaments are completely back, you’ll see me competing at them again.